Click on a logo below to download it or download the full logo package here with vector versions.
LA CAN’s primary logo is the gradient orange-yellow sun with black text. Solid black or white can be used as alternatives when the primary logo doesn’t work well. The sun logo should be used for all letters, official statements, coalition sign ons and for partners.
The Let’s Get Free logo set can also be used as an alternative for flyers or other creative applications. Choose whichever one will be most readable or whichever will match your color scheme. This logo is for LA CAN’s use only.
Color | Color Name | Hex Code | RGB Decimal Code |
freedom orange | #e47622 | rgb(228,118,34) | |
skid row sun | #f7dd4a | rgb(247,221,74) | |
garden green | #63d2bb | rgb(99,210,187) | |
sky blue | #548ae7 | rgb(84,138,231) | |
power purple | #5f0a83 | rgb(95,10,131) | |
soft black | #2d2d2c | rgb(45,45,44) | |
true black | #000000 | rgb(0,0,0) | |
true white | #ffffff | rgb(255,255,255) |
Color Usage
LA CAN’s primary brand color is freedom orange. Its usage is as follows:
- Action color for website on buttons or links
- Action color on flyers or graphics to highlight important info
- Used as the primary color background on graphics and on the site
Alternate accent colors include Skid Row Sun, Garden Green, Sky Blue and Power Purple. These can be used as background colors in flyers or on the site or to highlight actions and important info if orange is not desired.
Neutral colors include Soft Black, True Black and True White can be used. Text should generally be one of these neutral colors to ensure legibility.
Color pairings
- Freedom Orange (background) with True Black (text)
- Skid Row Sun (background) with Soft or True Black (text)
- Garden Green (background) with Soft or True Black (text)
- Sky Blue (background) with True Black (text)
- Power Purple (background) with True White (text)
- Soft or True Black (background) with True White (text) <- can use Freedom Orange on white only for large text or decorative elements
- True White (background) with Power Purple (text) <- can use Freedom Orange on white only for large text or decorative elements
Check your color contrast for readability and to make it easy for folks with visual impairments
Fonts are loaded into our Canva account. Get in touch with the Comms team if you need the font files for use on desktop.
Display Font: Zing Rust Base
Used for: Titles, subtitles, accents (like numbers or hashtags)

Alternate Display Font: Sedgwick Ave Display
Used for: Titles, subtitles, accents (like numbers or hashtags)

Body: DINPro
Used for: Most of the text on a flyer or the website. This is your main font. Start with Medium weight but can use light or bold too.

Accent: Amsterdam One
Used for: A couple words on a flyer that need accent. If your text is over three words, choose one of the display fonts

LA CAN’s logo font is ITC Franklin Gothic Std-Hvy