Homeless advocates weigh in on LA city, county plan on homelessness

Los Angeles lawmakers took broad steps Tuesday to tackle the region’s homeless problem.

L.A. city passed a 14 point plan while L.A. county greenlit its 47-goal proposal.

More than $2 billion could be spent over the next decade on everything from public showers and restrooms to affordable housing.

But questions remain, including a big one – where will the money come from?

And while some homeless advocates expressed support, others say the plan doesn’t address all the problems faced by the 44,000 people living on the streets in L.A. County.

Take Two talked with three organizations that help the area’s homeless population.


  • Reverend Andy Bales, CEO of Union Rescue Mission.
  • Pete White, executive director of the LA Community Action Network.
  • Jerry Neuman, board member at United Way LA.

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