Downtown Women's Action Coalition

DWAC’s mission is to empower women who live and work in Downtown LA to influence public policy change that promotes health, safety, and economic and social justice for women through collective action, public education, community building, advocacy and leadership opportunities.

Our Roots: The dramatic increase of women and families living in the Skid Row community in Downtown LA, combined with the threats to women and children’s health and safety in the area and the shortage of housing and services, led to the formation of the DWAC in April 2001. LA CAN has been a lead member of DWAC since its formation, and continues to provide staffing, coordination and other resources to support this important work.

Our Work: DWAC membership consists of people who live and work in Downtown LA who are working to: 1) create strong leadership that reflects the changing demographics of the community; 2) organize a diverse base of stakeholders to advocate for public policy and other public decisions that specifically benefit and address the needs of women and their children in our community; 3) eliminate gender bias which is inherent in the service delivery models in the area, historically designed to meet the needs of single men; and 4) increase and improve resources for women and families.

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